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RandomSims Episode #2

September 9, 2010 in Random Sims

It’s still a beautiful day in Randomby. Here is a look at Five and Dae’s street.

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RandomSims Episode #1

September 9, 2010 in Random Sims

This is a story set in the Sims neighbourhood “Randomby”. It’s a brand new ‘hood created with The Sims 3.

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Objects I hardly use: radios

September 8, 2010 in Ramblings

Old fashioned radio in The Sims 3Every expansion focuses on music and its artists, as much as on the objects in the pack. But for me, the music is often an annoying side effect. Usually I’ll be listening to my personal DJ Five, who follows his instincts to pick the music for the evening. And it annoys me if the sims decide to play something that interferes with the mood. So I never give them radios, unless I really really have to. Read the rest of this entry →



September 6, 2010 in Short Stories

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New Neighbour

September 5, 2010 in Short Stories

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Sims Soap Opera Part #4

September 3, 2010 in Sims Soap Opera


One quiet morning, while Five and Dae were having their usual pillowfight, Spike decided to walk out and meet the new neighbour, Mormegil. When Dae saw Spike walking towards the new neighbour’s front door, she dropped the pillow, got hit on the head by Five (with a pillow) and ran to join Spike.
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Sims Soap Opera Part #3

September 3, 2010 in Sims Soap Opera


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Sims Soap Opera Part #2

September 3, 2010 in Sims Soap Opera


Five is new to the neighbourhood but eager to meet new people. He loves meeting new people. Fortunately his neighbour Daenerys is youngish, attractive and apparently single. Not that Five’s mind would see being taken as an obstacle in his newest conquests, but still, it makes things easier.
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Sims Soap Opera Part #1

September 3, 2010 in Sims Soap Opera


The Sims 3 and us

September 3, 2010 in Ramblings

Neighbourhood in The Sims 3When The Sims 3 was announced we were just planning to get new computers, planning to move house and starting new jobs. Even though we had so much going on in our lives, I was still looking forward to the new sims game a lot. A few days before it was due to come out, Five promised to check the games store. But when he got home, he told me they were not selling it yet. I believed him. So I turned to my computer to reply on a Dutch Sims forum, being all disappointed I wouldn’t have it yet. Read the rest of this entry →