RandomSims Episode #6

September 11, 2010 in Random Sims

Daenelia is starting to get worried. Just where has Five gone this time?

Houses keep magically appearing in Randomby. Click “Read more” to see who lives in this one.

Gimmic answers the doorbell because Canie is just too comfortable where he’s sat.

But it looks like there’s nobody outside… Gimmic takes two steps forwards before Dae jumps out behind her.

Perhaps Dae’s idea of a first greeting isnt ideal. Either way Gimmic seems happy to meet her new neighbour.

In fact, Gimmic invites Daenelia inside because she believes has something that belongs to her.

“We found him catching his breath outside, maybe you should take him home with you in a little while”

But first they’ll enjoy a few hours of quality television.

“Psst”, whispers Five, “I’m off, i’ve got somewhere to be”