RandomSims Episode #5

September 10, 2010 in Random Sims

Five has noticed a new family moving in next door, and he wants to get to know them. Naturally the best way to do this is to rummage through their rubbish.

Odin and Aeris have only been living in Randomby for five minutes when they hear a strange clanking noise outside.

Wondering what the hell is going on, Odin takes a look out of the window.

He decides to go outside and confront the stranger. Cordially.

Odin is a true gentlemen, so he invites Five inside to meet his housemate Aeris. The conversation is a little quiet for the first few minutes.

Odin explains that he just moved in with Aeris. They don’t know each other very well but its convenient for them to live together, and it’s the perfect home for Odins pet fish, who lives in the pond outside.

Ten minutes of thrilling conversation later Five makes his excuses and leaves for home.

Stopping, of course, to steal the fish.