The Small Family Episode #7

August 28, 2010 in The Small Family

This was the family by the end of the last installment. But by the end of autumn things were going to change a lot.

When we last left the Small family, Trixe was about to give birth.

To Ed.

Ed Small’s mother was also his aunt, and his father was also his uncle. He had only one set of grandparents. That’s the Small way.

While Rick and Trixie were congratulating each other, Andre’s life came to an end.

Death had caught up to Andre. Happiness and sadness for the Small family.

But extra happiness, because upon the death of a Sim his or her family recieve a life insurance payment. The family immediately bought an extension for the Small house, including a brand new nursery.

Mick also funded his latest project. The whole family needed exercise. He just didn’t expect Leonora to be the first one to use the machine…

While harvesting the seasons fruit and vegetables, Rick had a thought.

As the father, he was now officially the Man of the House, and decided to go for a mature look by growing a beard like his dad used to have.

Mick had also changed… he had put on weight and lost some of his hair. He even started dressing in the clothes his dad wore as a younger man.

This was the Small house at nighttime.

Notice the small graveyard the family made. They’d keep Andre close to them.

This was the new family tree.

Again, winter was approaching. The rapid changes to the Small family weren’t over yet.