RandomSims Episode #28

September 24, 2010 in Random Sims

So who is the father of Raphaela’s baby?

Is it about time to solve this mystery?


Let’s instead tell you about the heavenly family that’ve just moved to Randomby.

StarDust is artistic and natural cook. She’s also neurotic and highly emotional. So she’s a balanced person, right?

Her husband Gundam on the other hand is a grumpy and a couch potato. Here he is in his natural environment.

They also have a son named Flappie, but Gundam seems to have forgotten about that for a moment. StarDust realises nobody is watching Flappie and freaks out for only the third time today.

But Flappie is perfectly safe and is having a good time chewing the heads off his toys.

Saving Flappie from the fun he was having, StarDust is none too happy that she’s having to chase him around while Gundam is watching the television.

So she sets Flappie down next to Gundam who promises to keep him in sight.

Naturally StarDust wonders if it’s about time to have another baby…