RandomSims Episode #11

September 14, 2010 in Random Sims

What’s the fastest way to impress the most number of people at once?

First, call everyone in the neighbourhood and invite them to your housewarming party.

Make sure you put the main course of tonights meal in the oven.

Someone always brings their own food with them anyway.

Good thing you got dressed in time. You’re all the neighbours can talk about.

I’m sure those two aren’t gossiping behind your back.

The study is the natural place to leave snacks for your guests.

Oh dear. Maybe somebody should have been watching the oven.

Good thing you bought that fire extinguisher. Shame it doesn’t seem to be having any effect.

What’s this? Looks like your guests don’t want to party inside a blazing inferno.

Somebody could have at least told Spike what’s going on.

Oh well.