RandomSims Episode #8

September 11, 2010 in Random Sims

Where the hell did that come from?

Half the neighbourhood has heard the crying and screaming coming from Gimmic and Canies house. The neighbours nominate someone to investigate.

Canie spots the oncoming Odin, and thinking there might be trouble, acts fast…

By going into the shed…

And leaving the baby there…

Before saying hello. Makes perfect sense really.

“Are congratulations in order?” Odin asks.
“Nothing to see here” Canie replies. “You may as well go home”

Odin isn’t fooled. He congratulates Gimmic instead and she offers to show him the baby. Problem is, she doesn’t know where it is…

It’s time to gang up on Canie and ask him what is going on.

“Fine” he barks and goes to retreive their baby son Jeramy from the shed where he left it.

“I’m not going to get to watch television tonight…”