RandomSims Episode #40

October 8, 2010 in Random Sims

Sometimes life is just like a sitcom.

“Hi everybody, I’m home from work!”

*cheer and applause*

“Did you clean the house like I asked? What the heck… it’s a total mess in here!”

*audience laughs*

“What is Imhotep doing on the sof…aaahhhh!”

*audience laughs harder*

“LUKE! I told you not to sneak up on me like that. Just because you’re a ghost doesn’t mean you have to keep scaring people!”

*audience shouts “uh-oh!”*

“Did Imhotep drink himself to sleep again? You know he has issues Luke, I told you to watch him while I was at work!”

“I did watch him. I watched him drink the whole bottle of wine!”

*audience screams with laughter*

Later that night!

“Imhotep, I want you to know I understand how upset you are. But Luke is dead now, and I think we need to get over it and move on”

Sometimes life is just like a sitcom. But other times it can be quite tragic. It’s not easy being dead.

*audience is silent*