RandomSims Episode #16

September 16, 2010 in Random Sims

In our last episode, Changers dastardly plan to steal candy from a baby was revealed.

Gimmic greets Changer but this is just a distraction. The real party is about to begin.

He spots young Jeramy being sent to the shed, and closes in for the crime.

Jeramy is all alone with nobody to protect him…

Success! You stole candy from a baby and got yourself a handful of ranking points.

A victimless crime, I’m sure.

Satisfied with his new status as a gangster, Changer begins to depart from the crime scene.

Only to find a couple of people waiting for him. Gimmic and Canie had heard crying and ask Changer if Jeramy is okay.

Changer is highly offended at being accused of wrong-doing.

And jumps Canie in a pre-emptive strike.

Followed by a quick punch in the kidneys as a good-bye.

“What just happened?”