The Disaster Family Episode #16

August 30, 2010 in The Disaster Family

Mormegil isn’t very happy about what happened to his guitar, but he still wants to show Bleu a good time. In his best clothes he starts to cook them both a private meal.

Ayrton thinks it’s time for dinner but Mormegil shoos him away and asks him to get Bleu.

She finds Mormegil in the dining room and is pleasantly surprised.

Meanwhile Beopuppy has decided to decorate Bleu’s bedroom with fresh flowers.

Shame that she’s too busy for his attention…

With the first course eaten Mormegil announces that they’ll be having dessert outside.

He leads Bleu towards a candlelit table for two.

There’s a strange whistling noise above them, but Mormegil ignores this and declares that the evening is perfect.


A horrible accident!

R.I.P. Mormegil, episodes 10-16