RandomSims Episode #30

September 26, 2010 in Random Sims

Something going wrong at Randomby? Perish the thought.

It’s a fire! Again. This time at Odin and Aeris’ place.

That’ll teach them to light the fireplace. Half the livingroom is ablaze and it’s up to Randomby’s local fireman, mr. Fireman, to put the fire out.

He’s getting real tired of having to dash from house to house saving these peoples lives. The average Randomby resident has no sense of fire safety at all. It’s just getting too much for him to deal with.

Mr. Fireman gives Odin and Aeris a stern warning about stacking newspapers in front of the fireplace. Next time he might not be able to rescue them in time.

But maybe the job has its advantages after all, it’s always a pleasure to rescue such charming… rescuees.

Unfortunately for Mr. Fireman two more fires have just started down the road so he can’t stick around to give Aeris some more in-depth safety tips.

Odin wasn’t exactly comfortable with the attention that Aeris was receiving from the fireman. After he leaves, Aeris reassures Odin that just because the fireman is a local hero, fearless and more courageous than anybody else around here, it doesn’t mean she loves Odin any less.

For some reason this isn’t enough for Odin, who is now a man with a mission…

A mission to become the strongest and most macho man Randomby has ever seen…

“To the basement!”